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Old Leake Primary Academy & Nursery - Admission

Particulars of child on admission to school*
Legal Surname of Child
Names to be called (if different)
Date of Birth

Please provide us with the birth certificate on enrolment (This is a DFE statutory requirement from September 2016)

Place of birth (town & county)
Home Address
Names & ages of any siblings
Previous schools attended and dates
How does your child come to school?
Is your child entitled to Pupil Premium?
Does a parent or guardian currently serve in the U.K. military?

*The DFE no longer requires schools to collect statistical data about its pupils, however it would be helpful if you could complete the following. It should be remembered that parents are not obliged to give this information:

*Ethnic Origin
*Home Language
*Other Languages
Person 1 with parental responsibility
Date of birth
Home Address (if different to child's home address)
Relationship to Child
Home Telephone Number
Mobile Telephone Number
Place of Work
Work Telephone Number
Email Address
Person 2 with parental responsibility
Date of birth
Relationship to Child
Home Address (if different to child's home address)
Home Telephone Number
Mobile Telephone Number
Place of Work
Work Telephone Number
Email Address

Medical Information

General Health: Does your child suffer from any of the following:

Nose Bleeds*
Stomach Upsets*
Does your child have asthma?
Does your child need to use an inhaler at home?
Will your child need to use an inhaler at school?
Does your child have any problems with speech?
Does your child have speech therapy?
Has your child had speech therapy in the past?
Does your child have any problems which may affect their mobility in PE and games lessons?
Does your child need to wear glasses?
Has your child worn glasses before?
Does your child hear clearly?
Is your child prone to ear infections?
Has your child had grommets?
Does your child have any hearing impairment?
Does your child have any allergies (including food allergies?)
Address & Telephone number of doctors
Permission to give first aid*
Permission to call the doctor*
Permission to eat foods that they shall make or be given*
Permission to use plasters in school*

After School Arrangements

If more than one box applies please ensure that you give FULL details of the situation below:

My child is collected from school by a parent/guardian
My child has a bus pass and will be collected from school by the school bus
My child has my permission to walk/bike home alone

*Ethnic origin: It is a child's heritage that is being asked for here. Where the child has dual or multiple heritage that is descended from more than one ethnic or racial group, the ethnic group to which it is considered the child belongs should be given.

*Home Language: The response here should be the main language that is spoken in the home.

*Religion: Although a child may not be practising member of a religion, it is the religious affiliation that is asked here.

All personal information held by Old Leake Primary Academy will be compliant with GDPR regulations.